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Course on Video Surveillance under the GDPR Copy - 2024 date
September 26, 2024

Eliëtte Vaal will teach a half day course for Berghauser Pont Academy on video surveillance under the GDPR on 26 September 2024 (in Dutch).

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Course on Video Surveillance under the GDPR Copy - 2024 date

Eliëtte Vaal will teach a half day course for Berghauser Pont Academy on video surveillance under the GDPR on 26 September 2024 (in Dutch).

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Guest lecture on online marketing

Guest lecture on online marketing

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DDMA Industry Meetup on Responsible AI

Vonne Laan and Martijn Poulus will speak about the responsible use of AI in the marketing sector on 28 March 2024.

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Dutch Data Forum 2024

Vonne will speak about the legal considerations when using AI systems, at the Dutch Data Forum 2024. AI is being applied more and more. But what legal aspects do you need or are recommendable to take into account?

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IT Law conference University of Groningen

Martijn Poulus invited to speak at the IT law conference of the University of Groningen on 12 April 2024.

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Eliëtte Vaal on Dutch News Radio (BNR) about the AI Act

Eliëtte Vaal on Dutch News Radio (BNR) about the AI Act

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Privacy Symposium Privacyweb

Vonne will speak about enforcement at Privacyweb’s Privacy Symposium on 28 November 2023. She will discuss the topic together with a senior inspector of the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

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New standard book about privacy law: Privacyrecht Begrepen.

As of today, Vonne’s new book about privacy law can be purchased: Privacyrecht Begrepen. It is published by Boom Juridisch as part of their standard series Recht Begrepen.

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AI and M&A

ITechLaw: Panel discussion about AI and M&A

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Expert meeting on online marketing

Martijn Poulus was invited as an industry expert on online marketing in a Q&A session with honours law students at Utrecht University.

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Data Protection Congress Outvie

Vonne was invited to speak about enforcement at this years’ Data Protection Congress of Outvie. What type of enforcement cases did we see over the last period? What can we learn from them?

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CJEU judgement on the scope of the Right of Access

The European Court determines that an individual has the right to information regarding the data consultations (such as the date and purposes), but that the individual does not (automatically) have the right to know the identity of the employees who accessed the data.

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