Chelsea specializes in advising businesses, both national and international, across diverse industries on their IT and privacy law requirements. She assists in privacy compliance projects, offers in-house training and awareness sessions, and helps clients negotiate contracts and handle legal matters related to IT and data protection. Chelsea can be best described as a proactive and dedicated professional.
Chelsea holds a Master's degree in Information Law from the University of Amsterdam and – more specifically – the Institute for Information Law (IViR). Her career path started in the field of privacy consultancy, providing her with extensive practical experience across a wide range of sectors. For example, Chelsea has in-house experience with GDPR compliance projects and addressing enforcement actions by the Dutch Data Protection Authority.
As her career in consultancy advanced, she undertook a post-master’s programme in IT Audit, Compliance, and Advisory, further enriching her knowledge in IT compliance, privacy, and risk management. These educational achievements, coupled with her practical experience, have established her as a seasoned advisor in the field of data and law. She is dedicated to ensuring that organizations are well-equipped to meet the legal challenges of data protection in the digital age.
Chelsea joined The Data Lawyers as a Legal Counsel in September 2023.