General terms and conditions

The Data Lawyers B.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 77892755. The general conditions of The Data Lawyers are applicable to all services provided by it and contain a limitation of liability, applicability of Dutch law and exclusive competence of the Court of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The general conditions are available on this website and will be sent onrequest without charges.

Website information

This website contains general information. The information available on this website is for general use only. It is not and may not be considered legal advice. Although for the content of this website great care has been taken, we shall not be liable for losses or other damages that may result from inaccuracy or incompleteness of information on this website. In the event that you notice an error in information provided by us on or via the website, please let us know by sending an email to

The website may contain links to other websites. We have no control over the content of those other sites and are not responsible for the content of those websites or other links to other websites.

Intellectual Property Rights

The website contains information protected by copyright, trade name or trademark or other intellectual property rights which are owned by us or our licensors. Use of such information without our explicit prior permission is prohibited.

