Martijn Poulus
IT Privacy Lawyer / advocaat
+31 (0)6 12 74 64 72


Martijn advises a broad range of clients on data and technology related topics. He has a thorough knowledge of privacy, advertising and marketing, primarily in an online environment. Martijn believes in providing concise and pragmatic, business-minded advice. He has extensive experience litigating before courts as well as the Advertising Code Committee (Reclame Code Commissie).



Martijn is admitted to the bar since 2017. He started his career at a law firm, focusing on privacy, advertising, media, and IP law. He also gained experience as an in-house attorney at law at the Dutch trade association for data and marketing (DDMA). Prior to his career in law, Martijn worked in the music industry as an independent sound composer and audio engineer.

Martijn obtained his Master’s degree in Information Law at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) of the University of Amsterdam. His thesis on e-privacy law and wifi tracking technology was published in the Dutch/Belgian Journal on Computer Law (Computerrecht). During and following his studies in Amsterdam, Martijn also studied law at the Bocconi University in Milan and the Masaryk University in Brno.


Public speaker, teacher, and writer

Martijn frequently speaks on privacy and advertising related topics. He is appointed as lecturer and acts as thesis supervisor at the Department of Private Law of the University of Amsterdam. Furthermore, Martijn regularly publishes (peer-reviewed) articles in various law journals and is editor of the documentation section of Mediaforum, the Dutch Journal on Media and Communications law.



Martijn is an active member of various Dutch law associations, including the Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law (NVvIR), the Association for Advertising Law (VvRr) and the Association for Media and Communications Law (VMC).

Latest Posts
DDMA Industry Meetup on Responsible AI

Vonne Laan and Martijn Poulus will speak about the responsible use of AI in the marketing sector on 28 March 2024.

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IT Law conference University of Groningen

Martijn Poulus invited to speak at the IT law conference of the University of Groningen on 12 April 2024.

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Expert meeting on online marketing

Martijn Poulus was invited as an industry expert on online marketing in a Q&A session with honours law students at Utrecht University.

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Screening of Total Trust – film about privacy

Martijn Poulus joined a Q&A session to discuss ‘Total Trust’, a film about digital control and privacy.

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